Understanding JPA 2.2
Number of pages: 250
Applications are made up of business logic, interaction with other systems, user interfaces etc. and data. Most of the data that our applications manipulate have to be stored in datastores, retrieved, processed and analysed. If this datastore is a relational database and you use an object-oriented programming language such as Java, then you might want to use an Object-Relational Mapping tool.
That’s when Java Persistence API comes into play.
In this fascicle, you will learn JPA, the standard ORM that maps Java objects to relational databases. You will discover its annotations for mapping entities, as well as the Java Persistence Query Language, entity life cycle and a few advanced topics such as integrating JPA with other frameworks (Bean Validation, JTA, CDI, Spring).
Table of Contents
This ebook is 250 pages long and is structured in the following way:
- First Step with JPA
- Understanding Java Persistence API
- Getting Started
- Mapping Entities
- Managing Entities
- Querying Entities
- Callbacks and Listeners
- Advanced Topics
- Integrating JPA with Other Technologies
- Putting It All Together
- Summary
- Appendixes